Tuesday, October 18, 2005



can i go to shanghai? i hope i can! according to big mouth, it seems that i may get the actual meaning of that wordings which i cannot understand for several years

actually, i have got it already...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

幾日冇寫 blog

oh my god~~~
原來我幾日都冇寫到 blog... fxxk

呀,沙田間周記避風塘,真係一絕!超貴(其實又唔係超貴o既)!只不過o的o野食冇咩特別兼且勁細份 lor!



頂,公屋申請被人 reject,因為我仲未遷出戶籍。 what's the fxxking hell going on!?

keep achieving higher living standard.

christy 家姐問了我一個人生交差點的問題。真係難答。講真,真係唔識答。

Sunday, September 04, 2005

天氣不穩的 Sunday


elel 就好喇,有得買 notebook,不過我都可能佔 23%

尋晚手痕買o左兩場波,好麻煩,幾廿個 step 都買唔到。最終係 profit HKD$9.1

玩 DIABLO II,有少少沉默。家陣要去九龍城。

陪 el 探婆婆,食 KFC,打機(阿 Ben 都係度)


出旺角,買 DVD-Writer,坐 Cafe

回家,裝 Writer,試機 ^^

my first blog

right here is my first blog. i don't know if i can keep writing my diary here.
try my best!

today, just finish meeting with raymond and stanley in sunshine city.