Saturday, January 06, 2024

iTlakbb 轉出號碼

話說都忍咗 iTalkBB 好撚耐,基於號碼非我名下,故我未能查詢帳戶。家人又話想想留返個號碼,就特登買張電話卡,先由 VoIP landline 轉去 mobile,之後會再轉去 google voice。

要轉走 iTalkBB 號碼,你需要知道:

1. 你個電話號碼 (廢話)

2. 你個客戶號碼 (要自己打電話去問)

3. PIN ( iTalkBB 聲稱話無 PIN,但 port out number 人地一定要你打,咁我就用咗注册人個生日 MMDD 做 PIN)

4. Zipcode,呢個最吊鬼,我不下試咗兩次唔同o既新舊地址個 zipcode 都唔啱,玩咗四日都轉唔到台。最終,我上網搵啲同胞討論區,知道佢用咗 TX 78746 呢個 zipcode。最終就轉台成功。

終於可以收 iTalkBB 皮,再見。

Friday, June 30, 2023

Brother laser color printer MFC9340CDW Scan to Email function

You have to go to to download a Utilities Tool called Internet FAX Install Tool, you have to click Show all to unhide the link to download

If you are using Gmail, you have to go to Google Account Settings -> Security
1. setup 2FA
2. setup app password

Then, you have to setup SMTP server in printer portal page

SMTP Server Address:
SMTP Port: 587
SMTP Server Authentication Method: SMTP-AUTH
SMTP Server Authentication Name: your_gmail_address
SMTP Server Authentication Password: your_gmail_app_password
SMTP over SSL/TLS: TLS (unclick Verify Server Certificate)
Device E-mail Address: your_gmail_address

POP3 Sever Address:
POP3 Port: 993
Mailbox Name: your_gmail_address
Mailbox Password: your_gmail_app_password
POP3 over SSL/TLS: TLS (unclick Verify Server Certificate)

After, you should be all good to go.

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Saturday, September 03, 2022

新手參與 Section 8 rental (CHA, 資助房屋收租) 中途感想

唉,幾經波折,終於收到當局o既第一張 check (應該話係第一筆 direct deposit 先真)。可惜條數都仲係錯,心情唔多好,等遲啲有心情先再詳細寫翻個紀錄。

簡而言之,切記,間屋 closing 之後就有理無理就即刻去 CHA 度做 ownership transfer,行咗正常程序包無錯,亦保障自己萬一出咩事幹你就可以用正常程序去處理。我呢次個教訓就有啲貴囉。。。暫時損失咗兩個月o既租金,屌你老味。
#Section 8, #CHA, #出租屋, #rental, #資助屋, #收租

Monday, June 27, 2022

新手參與 Section 8 rental (CHA, 資助房屋收租)


Ownership 最好搞清楚,畢竟錢銀責任 closing 後全是買家,但 section 8 record 仲喺賣家,有問題出現就會引申無限麻煩。我就正正中咗個小麻煩,話說個 tenant 唔租之後,又無通知 section 8。正常個 tenant 會申請下一間租屋,咁 Section 8 嗰邊就會自動 terminate 佢現有租屋個 contract 同 update status。但又好衰唔衰佢未搵到心水o既下一間屋,無通知 section 8,導致 section 8 以為間屋個租客未搬出,導致我 start 唔到  process  去出租俾新租客。最後要搞 transfer of ownership。

跟住個電話 number 又唔知點解被入錯,導致我收唔到 inspector 個 call,令成個安排失敗咗。

最終要打電去,改電話 number, schedule re-inspection。成件時又 delay 8 days。

欲知後事如何 且看下回分解。

Monday, April 18, 2022

Adguard Home @ Oracle Cloud free tier

其實好耐之前玩過一次,不過今次轉去 Oracle Cloud,唔駛用自己電費。

最簡單咁起個 Ubuntu Instance,再跟住 github 度做就得。

 我開得 post 都梗係唔會咁簡單。話說 check 過晒啲 setting,又 ssh 入到個 instance,個 service 又行緊叫你入 http://ip:3000/ 入去做 setup,但梗係唔知點解入唔到去。俾我發現原來 Ubuntu 自己本身啲 firewall 未開番 ingress rules.

要喺 /etc/iptables/rules.v4 度加入下邊三行:

-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

 之後,refresh 一下個 firewall rules ,跟住你就會順利入到個介面。

再之就喺自己啲  devices 度指去你個 instance 個 IP Address,完成。


Sunday, January 16, 2022

HP LaserJet P1006 之重新 - Network Shared Printing

話說家中有部陳年的 HP LaserJet P1006。呢部嘢十分騎呢,我都唔係好知 printing o既 protocol,以我有限o既知識o既理解就係,呢部煩嘢係將要 print o既嘢,全部轉成 image 先再 print 出嚟,估計都係啲史前o既產物。

轉入正題,話說近來我安裝o左 unRAID,突然靈機一觸,既然個 server 長著,係唔係又好似之前 DSM o既實驗咁,host 個 printer server 令部陳年 laser printer 可以變成 network printer 呢。

上網 search 咗一下,有一個 docker 叫 CUPS,用嚟做 printer server。咁我就拿拿林就安裝,揀好型號再裝好 driver,到裝好之後就試 print test print。事情就當然無咁順利喇。部 printer 一啲反應都無。click 落去 log,就有一堆 error:

E [15/Jan/2022:13:19:16 -0600] [Client 307] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer (ipp://localhost/printers/HP_LaserJet_P1006) from localhost.
E [15/Jan/2022:13:19:49 -0600] [Client 313] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer (ipp://localhost/printers/HP_LaserJet_P1006) from localhost.
E [15/Jan/2022:13:19:59 -0600] [Client 318] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer (ipp://localhost/printers/HP_LaserJet_P1006) from localhost.
W [15/Jan/2022:13:25:19 -0600] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [15/Jan/2022:13:25:19 -0600] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [15/Jan/2022:13:25:19 -0600] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files

上網一查,發現部 printer 除咗要裝 driver 之外,仲要裝一個HPLIP o既 Plug-in 佢先可以 printer 到嘢。估計都係因為佢奇奇怪怪o既打印方法。我遇到兩個問題,就係唔知點 download 同唔知點 run。

睇完一大輪,HP 淨係叫人喺 CLI 度打 HP-setup 或者 HP-plugin,我心諗,屌,我喺 docker 度裝 CUPS,咩都無裝又點會行到呢兩個 command 呀師傅。

搞咗一大輪,沮喪到就嚟放棄之際,我就喺 terminal 度手痕打 HP-plugin 試下。嘩,屌,真係有反應o架喎。唔好問我點解得,我都唔知點解,佢可能原生就有娤咗 HP 個 printing package。但入到去有三個 options, d 就係 download,p 就俾條 path, q 就 exit。揀 'd' 佢又話 download 唔到喎。咁我咪 wget 個 plug-in 囉,可以去呢個網址度睇下:

一個係 .run 尾,一個係 .asc 尾,兩個都要 download,因為佢要計一下個 plug-in 係唔係原裝無俾人 alert 過。跟住再 hp-plugin 入去,今次揀 p 去 specify 頭先 download 咗返嚟個 path。仆你街,佢又話咩 Gnu command not found。上網搵一輪之後原來又要裝個咩 gnupg o既 package。由於 CUPS 係 debian 底o既 docker。所以可以用 apt install gnupg 呢個 command 去 download 同 install 所需 package. 之後再行 hp-plugin,入到去再 specify 條 path 就真係大功告成。我估唔到真係會得咗。

最開心係 iPhone 都睇到個 printer 可以喺部陳年 printer 度打印。又學多樣嘢。
