Armstrong cycle 8.6 yr = Pi cycle, 8.6x365.4 = 3142.4 days,
Lucky 13, 13 yrs (Fib no) = 13x365.4 = 4750 days.
And 3142x1.5 =4710 days.
..........and 2000 March to 2013 March =13 yrs, (Pi cycle & 13 yr Square)
Yam, thanks for your hint the Pi cycle in HSI
it is 159 months since 2000/3/23 tech stock burst,
and the price at 1597 top on April, 2013......hehhehe.....Gann month,
Only have 2 more trading days for April, are you ready?????
曾經,我每天工作的地方也可以望到家,在家附近也可看到工作的地方。 曾經,每天我都在馬鞍山、科學園、大埔之間來來回回。 今天,身處異地,不再在同一家公司打工,為的,可能就是型和找尋另一種生活的感覺。 雖然我與高科技行業像是越走越遠,但仍想努力返回圈子。
Sunday, December 28, 2014
熊貓 銀幣...如何定價?
每年熊貓新品銀幣..價格是如何運算出來 ?
每年金銀總公司鑄造新熊貓幣時,就會採用當時的期貨銀價,加上5美元,那就是經銷商及幣商的成本價格,而經銷及幣商就需要加上大約 20-30(RMB)元作為利潤。例如期貨銀價是30美元,一個熊貓幣的正常價格應該是 (US$30+US$5) x 6.35 + 20(RMB) (6.35是人民幣兌美元匯價 / 20 是幣商利潤) …… 那就是大約 242人民幣一枚。
在2009年的時候,銀價大約是10美元,即是說 (10+5) x 7.3 + 20,得出的價格約130元人民幣,而當時買入一枚2009銀貓又確實是135人民幣,由於當時幣市比較暢旺,幣商把利潤加至 25元人民幣。
2010年的時候,銀價大約是18美元,美元的匯率大概是 6.8。而幣價約是180元人民幣。
2012 年銀貓剛發行時,銀價約33美元,美元的匯率約 6.35,而銀貓的價格一直維持在 262元人民幣左右。
直到銀價開始下滑至27-28美元,照銀價來計算,每枚銀貓幣價格應是225元人民幣一枚,但因幣商早期已以33美元的價格 (242元人民幣一枚) 大量在金總購入了這批銀幣,然而銀價又大幅度下調,這樣幣商就無利潤可言,若幣商需確保有20元人民幣的利潤,賣價便是262元人民幣一枚,這個價格會令消費者不願購 買。
而幣商運作資金不能長期被套牢,所以必需把銀幣套現出讓,就算低於成本價也要出售,導致後期就出現了242元人民幣一枚,甚至低見 235一枚。
按 以上價格推算方式,以今天33美元的銀價來計算,那金銀總公司出售給幣商的價格應是 245元人民幣一枚。
然後加上經銷或 幣商們的合理利潤,一枚2012年熊貓銀幣應該是 265人民幣。大家不妨耐心留意,假若銀價保持在32-33美元之間,2012銀貓能否補漲至265元人民幣一枚。
Thursday, December 25, 2014
美國 Gasoline
原來美國油站啲油價真係間間唔同。話說小弟大本營在 IL,返工就 WI。一程要59 miles,開車都要 1 hr. 20 min.,都咪話唔遠。沿途都經過好幾個油站。基於我咁鐘意格價o既行徑,我又點會放過佢。
我一心以為 Costco 叫做平,點知比我搵到個仲平。Costco 要 2.19/G, Johnsburg 間 BP 只要 2.05。仲有油卡可以用。你話係唔係好平呢。又話 IL 啲油貴,呢次我覺得仲平過 WI。但突然醒起唔知 after tax 係唔係真係咁抵呢。下次再計下先。
補充:我行緊 29 mpg,2400cc 的日本車。
我一心以為 Costco 叫做平,點知比我搵到個仲平。Costco 要 2.19/G, Johnsburg 間 BP 只要 2.05。仲有油卡可以用。你話係唔係好平呢。又話 IL 啲油貴,呢次我覺得仲平過 WI。但突然醒起唔知 after tax 係唔係真係咁抵呢。下次再計下先。
補充:我行緊 29 mpg,2400cc 的日本車。
Mobile plan in USA
估唔到,我喺香港無上網會瞓唔著o既一個人,喺美國可以忍受一個月都無手提電話。因為,我無幾可係條街度,返工放工都係開車,跟本就無咩需要 mobile internet。真係講都唔信。
但無 mobile 又真係好唔方便,例如:無導航,無google,無得 searching,搵唔到人又人地搵唔到你。總之就勁唔方便。因此就開始物色電話 plan。
AT&T - 大公司,貴,但 coverage 應該唔錯,行GSM,但 LTE 個 band 同香港唔到,所以香港手機拎到嚟係用唔到美國 LTE。
Verizon - AT&T o既死對頭,有好多人聲稱 coverage 好過 AT&T。但係行 CDMA,即係我要買過電話。
T-mobile - 有間中用下2蚊 per day with Candy bar 電話,我估係 2G signal,但公司收唔到,所以收佢檔。
Sprint - 唔知咩料,唔博囉。
US cellular - 聽講有無限 data,但係好都係 4GB 後限速。
Straight Talk - MVNO,即係類似香港o既兔仔台。佢有ATT,T-mobile,Verizon compatible plan。咁啱佢有個 promotion,$0.99 sim card kit,連 45 plan 一齊買就可以 free overnight shipping。$45 unlimited airtime, text and data,3Gb 後限速。
最終,我選擇咗 Straight Talk,一於就試佢,衰咗都係 $45 蚊。
星期六落 order,星期一先到,因為星期日係唔計數。
用落唔錯,公司收到,住o既地方收到,家姐度收到,我諗都應該收貨。但我部 Galaxy S3 收唔到美國 4G,iPhone 4s 無 4G,Lumia 920 又搞搞佢先用到 4G。(不過最終都整到)
S3 做到 tethering,iphone 唔得,920 又要搞餐飽先 share 到。
920 之詳解,請另見詳文。
Internet Tethering in Nokia Lumia 920 (RM-820) in AT&T/Straight Talk
My Lumia 920 is AT&T version originally. It has been flashed to RM-821 HK version. However, it doesnt work with the Straight Talk 4G (ATT). That's why I try to flash back to RM-820 ATT firmware. By Murthy's law, I have no luck that I can get it back to ATT firmware but Rogers one. Anyway, it works with 4G now. By the way, It took me RMB200 to unlock in Taobao.
The next challenge is internet sharing. It seems that nokia worked with ATT which doesn't allow user to have tethering. However, there is a trick to get rid of it!
Requirements (Pre-requisites)
Lumia 920 Phone (my one is with Rogers firmware)
Straight Talk microSIM
Foreign microSIM (for me, CMHK)
Access Point, installed on the phone. access point | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Part I :
- Use Access Point and the foreign SIM to configure tethering settings
- Insert foreign SIM card into phone and boot it up.
- Goto Settings->Access Point, launch the app, and verify that it applies the foreign settings (it should read 'active' underneath the Mobile Operator settings being used)
- Reboot the phone to ensure the settings 'stick'
- Shut down the phone.
- Remove the SIM card.
Part II:
- Uninstall Access Point to keep the tethering settings. (If you don't do this and boot with the Straight Talk SIM, Access Point may apply a different set of tethering settings.)
- Boot the phone
- Go to settings->Time & Date
- Turn off Automatic Date, set the year to 2113 (or something ridiculous)
- Go to settings->Access Point. When you launch the app, it will request to uninstall because it has expired. Uninstall it.
- Restore the time & date settings, shut down the phone.
Part III:
- Boot with the Straight Talk SIM and configure APN/MMS settings
- Insert the Straight Talk SIM card, boot phone
- Goto Settings->Cellular
- Configure & save internet settings with (this should be consistent w/ the Straight Talk website)
- APN: tfdata
Send yourself a picture MMS to apply the new MMS and data settings (this is important).
Go to Settings->internet sharing, turn on sharing.
and here we go~~~
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